Conversations with the Earth

Endapan mineral di Finlandia dan Swedia

Perjalanan saya ke lingkaran kutub utara

Atlas of ore minerals: my collection

Basic information of ore mineralogy from different location in Indonesia


I always try to draw a sketch during hiking

Apa itu inklusi fluida?

Inklusi fluida adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan adanya fluida yang terperangkap selama kristal tumbuh. Gas dan solid juga bisa terperangkap di dalam mineral.

Situ Cisanti di Pengalengan, Bandung

50 km dari Bandung, Situ Cisanti terkenal karena menjadi sumber mata air sungai Citarum

Showing posts with label world geological map. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world geological map. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Geological Map All Around the World

Indonesia (update 15-2-2019):

Setelah beberapa minggu kemarin sudah coba sharing tentang potensi sumberdaya Indonesia yang disajikan dalam "web-GIS of the Indonesian Resources", sekarang ini ada link menarik untuk teman-teman yang kadang kesusahan mencari database peta geologi Indonesia. Peta ini sifatnya regional dengan skala 1:1.000.000 untuk Indonesia, kebetulan saya mem-bookmark link peta geologi dunia yang sudah didigitasi dan disajikan dalam web-GIS. Bukan hanya peta geologi Indonesia, tapi peta geologi dunia pun bisa diakses secara online.Kalau sudah tidak sabar, silahkan klik gambar peta geologi Eropa-Afrika di bawah. Kalau ingin membaca fitur yang ada dari web ini, saya tuliskan dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat....

A few weeks a go, I had finished with "web-GIS of the Indonesian Resources". Nowadays, I had realized, that the geological map of the world had been digitized and presented in web-GIS. I have bookmarked long time a go and this is one of the masterpiece which allowed everybody knows about the geosciences data around the world. The tutorial of using this web pages can also be found in the original sources. 

For example for the Indonesian region, this map is compiled from the Geological Survey Institute of Indonesia (Badan Geologi) with the scale 1:1.000.000 and the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP)  with the scale 1:2.000.000. This map containing the combined bedrock and superficial geology and age information covering the entire Indonesian archipelago and around South East Asia.

Combining all of the geoscience data around the world and presenting in the web based is such a big deals, especially for the people who might works in geosciences fields. By clicking the location of interest, you will get the information about the basement of the formation and the age of the formation. I give you an example. I want to know the geological data around the Palopo area, you can click into the area, or inputting the latitude and the latitude of the desired location. The pop up windows will be opened and give the information about the formations in the selected area.

For those who need the information about it, please follow this links to redirect to or you can click the image below.

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