Update: 28 August 2022
My wife knows that: I hate details. I know my hand sketch always looks like unfinished sketch, but no matter how bad my sketch is, I enjoy this process. Time for relaxation, time for oneself, it is priceless. Everyone has their own problems, but one should divine our happiness. For me, sketching makes me happy. Please excuse my unrealistic sketch.
1. Der Dachstein
Dachstein (Hoher Dachstein-DE, Dach=roof, stein=rock), part of North Calcaerous Alps (NCA). It consists of Dachstein Limestone and is strongly karstic. Due to the nature of karst, caves can be easily developed through the reaction of water with limestone, resulting by a rich cave system, including the Mammuthhöhle (the biggest ice cave in the world). At the back of Dachstein, you will find an oldest salt mine in a history, and may be, the one of the most of the picturesque village in the world. Hallstatt.

2. Großglockner Hochalpenstrasse
It was pretty sudden, when I decided to biking in the highest road in Austria. I packed all my stuff a week before, then, everything was so smooth until I can see the highest peak of Austria (3,798 m). The hohe Tauern (the mountain range where Großglockner is located) is the result of the subduction of the African plate towards the Eurasian plate. This mountain range formed as a product of subduction around 100 millions years ago.
3. Amperstein and Marchreisenspitze
I started this tour when my Boss (the so called Professor) offering me to went hiking in the middle of conference. We drove to Axamer Lizum (Tirol) and started to climb up to reach Nockspitze (or some others call Saile). During our trip, my Boss described everyyyyything about the geology in this area, because he did a mapping in this area almost 30 years a go. He was totally different to me. He loves details. :p
If I were asked, what is the best city to visit in Austria, then I will answer "Innsbruck." The combination of an old city, modernity and Karwendel Mountain is totally awesome. Innsbruck is located in the Inns valley and looking to the North, a huge dolomite mountain (Wetterstein dolomite) is just astonishing.
5. Gosowong gold mine
I visited this gold mine on 2014, when I have to accompanied two master students from Kyushu University to take a sample. The gosowong is a good example of high-grade low sulfidation epithermal deposit, also notable for a good mine closure. As far as I know, this mine has been closured and the gold project were focussed on another location, some of them are the Kencana and Toguraci.
6. Batu dinding (the wall of stone)
As I try to remember, I draw this sketch when I driving a boat towards Long Pahangai, Mahakam Ulu region. That was my first time I love sketching. Batu dinding is a huge limestone formation which has a lot of foraminiferra. Batu dinding is located close to Long Bagun area.
7. Batu ayau
It is named after a legend of Dayaknese people. I started to draw when I was boring during my trip from Long Pahangai to Long Bagun. No more extra battery on my camera, I just documented what I have seen.

9. Iron ore mine, Erzberg and Eisenerzer Reichenstein, North Alps
The biggest iron ore deposit in Central Europe can be seen in a city of Eisenerz. It is thirty kilometer to the north of my current city, Leoben. On my birthday, me, my wife and daughter went hiking to Polster mountain, and from Polster, we can clearly see the Erzberg iron mine and Reichenstein mountain. Both are located in the city of Eisenerz.
11. Mont Royal, Montreal, Canada
12. Windsborn Krater, Eifel, Germany
13. Bernkastel-kues, Germany
14. Trier, Germany
16. Karwendel Mountain from Innsbruck. This is the city where i would always want to come back to.
17. After 10 days of field works in Northern Finland and Sweden, I fly back to Vienna from Rovaniemi. This city is on the border with polar circle
18. Rainfall spring (Mataair Hujan) in Bitung City, North Sulawesi. I was here for geothermal exploration campaign around Klabat-Wineru-Dua Saudara Mountains
19. Tanjung Tinggi Beach - Belitung
20. Ijen Crater, sketch from flight magazine21. Pasir Pabeasan or Tebing 125, Citatah, Padalarang (02/06/2021)
22. Cuesta, sebutan bukit yg menonjol di satu sisi, dan sisi lain relatif landai. Terbentuk krn proses erosi, menyisakan batuan keras yg menonjol dengan topografi kasar. Sketsa Gng Takasaki yg menghadap Teluk Beppu. (09/2019)
23. Gunung Batu, Lembang (31/05/2021) in a cloudy day
25. Scenery of Pelabuhan Ratu-Ciletuh UNESCO Global Geopark from Habibie Peak, Sukabumi. This point is the highest peak that connecting Sukabumi and Lebak
26. Di pertunjukan wayang kulit, ada kain putih panjang yg dipakai dalang yg dsbt kelir Di Watukelir, kita seperti sedang nonton pertunjukan alam. Di atas kelir merah (batulempung-rijang yang tegak), ada lava bantal membundar (=Watukenong, batu bundar spt kenong) #sketsageologi
27. Kekar kolom di Gunung Parang, Kebumen, tersusun oleh batuan yg disebut diabas. Kekar kolom kadang berbentuk segi-6, terbentuk dr magma yg dangkal, membeku dgn cepat, membuat butir mineral di batuan tidak sempat tumbuh, shg berbutir halus #sketsageologi
28. Sketsa Bendungan Kaligending, Kebumen, yang membendung Sungai Luk Ulo.
29. Sketsa dari stone garden Padalarang, memandang ke arah Utara
30. Sketsa Gunung Masigit dan Pasir Bancana, Padalarang
31. Curug Sodong di Ciletuh, disebut juga dengan Curug Kembar. Air sungai Cikanteh pecah menjadi dua, mengalir di batuan yang tersusun oleh breksi Jampang dan batupasir tufaan
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